Why phosphorus?
The binding standard in the recruitment and selection of candidates for work in the Company is the use of own human resources by promoting and promoting our employees. If as a result of internal recruitment we do not select the right candidate, then we start looking for candidates outside.
We search for candidates on the labor market through various information channels: we use our own database, participate in job fairs, publish advertisements in the press and on the Internet (including our own website), we also cooperate with labor offices and personnel consulting agencies.
In the Organizational and Personnel Department, the profile of the candidate is determined, where we define the qualifications, skills, personality traits necessary to perform work at a given position.
The next stage of the recruitment procedure is searching for a candidate on the labor market (through the above-mentioned information channels). Candidates send a professional CV (CV) and cover letter. These documents are an important source of information about the job candidate, his education, qualifications and skills. Positive verification of the application sent results in an invitation to participate in the interview with the representatives of the Company.
The implementation of a newly received employee takes place from the first day of his employment and is conducted in such a way that he can quickly and effectively perform the tasks entrusted to him. The manager of the relevant organizational unit or the employee-guardian appointed by him helps the new employee to implement his duties defined in the "Job Description Card" and additionally provides him with the necessary knowledge adequate to the position held.
privacy policy
for candidates for work in the company
the group azoty "phosphorus" sp. zo.o.
1. Personal data protection under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
This policy (hereinafter "Policy") concerns personal data of job applicants (hereinafter "Candidates" or "State"), collected and used by the Company Grupa Azoty "FOSFORY" Sp. z o. o. with its seat in Gdańsk, ul. Kujawska 2, 80-550 Gdańsk, being the administrator of personal data (hereinafter: "Company", "Administrator") conducting the recruitment procedure.
In this Policy, we inform you about the ways in which personal data is used, as well as the rights of individuals related to the collection and use of such data. If you have any questions or comments regarding the protection of personal data, please contact the Data Protection Officer by e-mail: dpo@fosfory.pl or by correspondence: Data Protection Officer, Grupa Azoty "FOSFORY" Sp. z o. o. with its seat in Gdańsk, ul. Kujawska 2, 80-550 Gdańsk.
2. What kind of personal data do we collect?
2.1 Candidate data
2.1.1 Mandatory data of Candidates
We collect basic data from the Candidates indicated in art. 221 §1 of the Labor Code, such as: