Energa Nordcup Gdansk 2023

On 23.06-09.07.2023. the 18th edition of the Energa Nord Cup Gdańsk regatta took place.

Grupa Azoty "Fosfory" was foreign for the third time.

For two weeks, the AZS Central Sports Center in Gdańsk hosted competitions for sailors, both beginners and advanced from Poland and abroad.

The regatta, which takes place periodically, enjoyed great interest because it is classified as one of the most popular sailing events in Poland. Athletes from 23 classes presented their sailing skills at the world level. The Gulf of Gdańsk is always a challenge for sailors because it is a very unstable body of water in terms of weather. The weather conditions during the regatta were extreme - from hot, sunny days to rainy and windy days.

The sight of yachts of various sizes and colorful sails sailing out onto the Bay attracted not only sailing enthusiasts, because the athletes' struggles could be watched from the beautiful beach in Gdańsk's Górki Zachodnie. As every year, we were most impressed by the youngest and at the same time the bravest participants of the regatta in the Optimist class, where the youngest participant was 8 years old. Taking part in the competition, they faced variable wind, rain and big waves. Despite the demanding conditions, everyone made it safely to shore.

We congratulate all the athletes participating in the regatta and wish favorable winds in the next competitions, and we would like to thank the organizers for the successful partnership!

